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Why choose Server Blast for your hosting service?
VPS Cloud Hosting - Quality guaranteed - Server Blast
Our commitments are written in black and white
It is important to understand that our cloud infrastructure provides us with exceptional security in terms of continuous service, notably in terms of material, because each unused resource is instantly replaced and in a completely transparent way. But because we have taken on the responsibility of being listed among the top hosting professionals, we provide a SLA (Service Level Agreement) contract which defines in a precise way what our service commitments are to you.
Like all things, information technology has its limits, even high technology. It's possible for material to break down, and we are aware that this can happen with ours. Nevertheless, at Server Blast, we make it our number one priority to restore any affected services as soon as possible.

This is why we guarantee our customers that our infrastructure will maintain your online services at least 99.95% of the time, each month. If it ever occurs that we cannot maintain this service level, we will reimburse you for each day not complying with our commitment (or over 7 minutes of outage over one month).

No obligation necessary
Our hosting package is based on renting resources, and these resources can be rented by the day! If you take one share for a month and you decide to return it the next day, the system will reimburse you for 29 days!
In the case of Flex shares, you can even be billed by the hour!
Only annual shares involve an obligation, but with the added benefit of a 20% price reduction.
