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Why choose Server Blast for your hosting service?
Power on demand
What you need, when you need it most
Server Blast's hosting service is not defined by an array of complicated packages or physical servers, but rather, by your freedom to fine-tune your VPS to meet your real-time needs.

Scaling your server is easy: simply add or remove resources to change the power of your VPS. You can do this whenever you want, and so managing your server has never been easier!
You can have a server for only as long as you need it.
You have absolute freedom. you can use resources for as little as one hour (Flex), one day, a month, a year (with our fixed share offer).
There are no subscription or cancellation charges, meaning that you only pay for what you actually use. Welcome to Server Blast!
Your server is available in less than 5 minutes.
In just 5 minutes , your server services may be chosen, ordered, and made available to you for use when you want.
We are constantly working to reduce the amount of time it takes to put into production your services or interfaces. For example; the addition or reduction in shares occurs nearly instantly: play a video game online and tweak the power of your server without stopping the game!
