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Why choose Server Blast for your hosting service?
Server Blast AI - Simple installation of tools that you need
Server Blast AI (Auto Install) frees you from the installation and configuration of your dedicated server. Thanks to our unique system, you can choose the type of server installation that is best for you in just a few clicks:

Basic (an e-mail server or a backup server for example)
Custom (Apache 2 with Python, MYSQL 5 and an e-mail server for example)
List of available services
If you choose not to use the Server Blast AI solution, you will have root access to your VPS. This gives you the possibility of installing and configuring your server as you want, and to choose the operating system that you want from our list of available distributions. If you choose Server Blast AI, you will not have root access to your VPS, though some SSH access is still available. Our Server Blast AI system will take care of installing the services that you choose to add to your server. Server Blast AI can install the following for you:
Web server:
Apache 2.2
Scripting languages:
PHP 5.3, Perl, Python, Ruby
Database :
MySQL 5.1
Data server:
SSH access, ftp, webdav
Development server :
SSH access, ftp, webdav
Data server:
Community tools:
Web applications :
PhpMyAdmin, Dotclear 2, Magento, PunBB...
