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Why choose Server Blast for your hosting service?
Server monitor (Watchdog)
Keep up-to-date with the needs of your servers
Our monitoring system lets you follow your server activity indicators and take action if needed, either manually or automatically.

We have 3 types of alert triggers that you can use:
Exceeding a threshold:
Your trigger will execute the list of actions that you defined if one of the indicators being monitored exceeds the value (X) for a given time (t1). The action will stop when the indicators fall below the same value for a set time (t2).
Falling under a minimum value:
Your trigger will execute the list of actions that you defined if one of the indicators being monitored falls under a given value (X) for a certain period (t1). The action will stop when the indicators return above the same value for a set time (t2).
Inactivity of one of your indicators:
Your trigger will execute the list of actions that you defined if the indicator being followed seems to no longer be active.
The action will stop when the indicators return to activity for a at least a set time (t2).
When an alert has been triggered, you have the possibility to perform a list of actions for example :

- be notified by email. You can then choose which email address and the time interval that you prefer to be notified,
- be notified by instant messenger. You can also be notified by ICQ, AIM, XMPP or even IRC, (MSN will also be available soon)
- automatically add a Flex share to your server. You can also optimize the service quality by adapting the power of your server to its load. Imagine for example that you are on vacation, calmly relaxing on a sunny beach ...(ok I need some vacation days too).

Simply imagine that you don't have an Internet connection readily available and an interested jouralist creates an article about your new website: all of a sudden the power of your server that you estimated to be correct with 2 shares, will not be enough to handle the load! The system allows managing the resources in your place, for enough time for you to better analyze the situation later.
