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Why choose Server Blast for your hosting service?
A redundant network infrastructure
Our network is based on a fully redundant infrastructure managed by Server Blast itself.
We use VSS technology to maintain the highest level of resilience and service availability whilst simplifying the architecture.

We manage our own AS (Autonomous System : An AS is a network or group of networks managed by a common administrative entity), and we have several transit providers which assure a redundant connectivity meaning an optimal availability from France or internationally.

We have numerous peering agreements (direct connection agreements) with many of the principal European Internet providers.

Our network infrastructure is distributed over 4 data centers, assuring redundancy in case of a problem.

The network hosting infrastructure is completely redundant to compensate for any service disruptions. We have available at each site, two different fiber optic links assuring a connection to the rest of our network and the Internet.

Our network infrastructure's equipment, technology, and selected partners give us the ability to act quickly when network updates are required.

The servers of our hosting platform are powered by two independent power sources, allowing full availability in case of a failure of either one of the two supplies.

Our infrastructure is continually monitored and our technical team notified in case of any major problems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
