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Why choose Server Blast for your hosting service?
Complete documentation
Regular updates
Our documentation is open and continually updated to reflect questions that our customers ask. We have many guides, videos, and other documentation to help you manage your online presence at Server Blast.
Freely available community tools
Server Blast is built around a community spirit, and the interaction between people. Because of this, a large portion of our online help is base on this principle. You have the ability to chat online with many other users of our services, who may have already encountered your problem and have found an answer. We offer several community-based tools to help you:
An IRC server
You have a constant link with other experts, as well as our team at #Server Blast-hosting on the Freenode network.
A newsgroup / forum
Our usenets are accessible via the "newsgroups" service of your ISP, or by our web-based interface.
