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Dedicated Servers
CloudLinux Overview
Never has there been a product that so seamlessly integrates user usage, containment and limits in a hosted environment. CloudLinux gives you all the control you need to reduce user abuse on your server without the steep learning curve that comes with system administration.
Using a service such as CloudLinux on your dedicated server at Server Blast enables you to manage the resources of your users on a very fine grain level. You will know longer need to worry about which user is causing CPU, network connections, disk or MySQL load within your server. This is all made possible by a "Lightweight Virtual Environment" which is the basis for improved management and resources under CloudLinux. Simply explained as automatic monitoring and control of each user in your system.
Improved server stability
No change in how you operate
User Isolation
Easy upgrade from existing OS
cPanel Plugin
Resource Management
Improved Security
On-the-fly user limit changes
Supported by Server Blast
No Change in the Way You Operate
CloudLinux allows you to work with your familiar OS environment of CentOS and your cPanel control panel, only more stable. The same will go for your users. CloudLinux aims to improve the user experience without changing it.
Easy Implementation
When upgrading to CloudLinux from your current dedicated platform, you won't be weighed down by a lengthy process. You would simply request the upgrade, our admins install CloudLinux on top of your existing OS and schedule a reboot at your convenience.
Decrease Dependence on Support
We are always going to be available for your questions. Wouldn't it be nice though if you knew the answer before you had to ask the question? When it comes to CloudLinux, this is often the case. You are able to see in realtime the resource usage of all your clients/users.
Improved Security Through LVE
CloudLinux provides an unparalleled level of security in shared user environments by completely isolating the user environment as depicted above. This is referred to as "Secure LVE" and helps prevent security issues caused by permission issues in individual directories.
Customizable Limits
With a full set of command line and cPanel tools, you are able to monitor users in real-time, change their settings on-the-fly and even take a look at historical stats to make educated configuration decisions. You can even set memory limits for each user or the number of cores allowed per user LVE.
Fully Supported by Server Blast
We stand by CloudLinux as we stand by cPanel with our fully managed support. We will be available to help you with your configuration settings if you need our assistance. Should an issue arise that we are unable to answer, we are able to contact CloudLinux directly as a preferred partner. This means you will always receive an elevated level of support.